Quantum Biofeedback Therapy
Ancient Healing Meets Modern Technology!
Embrace the power of Quantum Technology. Analysis of mental stress and emotional blockages, nutritional deficiencies, allergies and food sensitivities, toxicities, fungi and parasites, brain wave patterns. Therapies include stress reduction, chakra balancing and aura cleansing, electroacupuncture, reflexology and cranial sacral, allergy desensitization, NLP neurolinguistic programming, nutritional balancing, anti-aging therapies, homeopathic, Bach Flower, color therapy, biorhythms, sports therapies and test preparedness. Safe and effective, non invasive even for children and animals.
Karen Cruz
Quantum Biofeedback Therapist, RWC
Wouldn't it be great to feel good again!
Text me
Karen Cruz
Quantum Biofeedback Therapy, $150 for initial 90 minute session at your home or office. $99 for second and subsequent one hour sessions.
Distance sessions also available!
Includes your personal list of Vitamins, Supplements and Affirmations.
Special Introductory Offer - Buy one get one free $150
Available by appointment Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Thursday.
Zelle 561-325-0630
Cashapp $4KikiAC